
Writing 7

Writing 7-090923 The Love and Tears of Jesus: Why We Need to Love Jesus.

There are more than 1.6 billion Christians in the world and among these countries, America has the highest Christian population; 76 % of Americans identify themselves as Christian. Though we all know that Jesus is one of the Trinity-the Holy Son, who is the almighty and all-knowing divine being; numerous angels in Heaven worship him, and he is the king of kings who reigns the world. However, there are so many people who either do not know Jesus loves them, nor believe in Jesus.

There was a true story happened on April 20, 1999. In the Columbine High School in Colorado, two teen-age gunmen shot Rachel in her leg and asked her if she still believed in God. She replied, “You know I do!” then the second fatal shot hit her head at point-blank range. At the end, 13 people died in these shootings. The 17 year-old-girl protected her Christian belief even at the live or die point. After her martyrdom, many students went back to church and wore the T-shirt saying I believe in Jesus. Her death inspired a lot of people and changed their lives to the day. The girl showed her love for Jesus and died for him without fear.

The above story reminded me of a book: “A Divine Appeal.” This book was written by Anna Ali in 1987-1988. Sister Anna mentioned in her book that Jesus cried for mankind. Jesus started to visit her and gave her divine appeals in early August 1987 to 1988, around 2:30am to 3:00am after she kept 7 hours in overnight prayer for several years. Jesus told Anna “I pour tears and blood over humanity.” Why does Jesus love us so much even to die for us? Jesus said, "I need every soul as if it was the only one on earth." How could it happen to us? The possibility is as small as a prince who falls in love with the village girl, wants to marry her and takes her to his palace. Because Jesus was born as a human being, he knows the pain and the joy of mankind, so as a divine being in Heaven, Jesus has special connections with us as human beings. He loves us so much and is not willing to let his beloved people go to Hell when they not believe in him. The Bible clearly mentioned that, (John 14:6) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” On the other hand, Jesus wants us not to be deceived by Satan and enjoy every worldly thing then go to Hell at the end of the day. Jesus told Anna, "I have two measures for every soul. The first is of Mercy and it has overflowed. The second is of Justice, it is approaching." If we do not repent our sins when the Lord gives mercy on us, the judgment will come. Though someone may be afraid to be judged and feels forced to believe in Jesus, the most important is to know Jesus loves us and will forgive our sins if we truly repent. That is great love! "I want to save mankind. This is the time of overwhelming violence. Pray for My Church. Beware! Woe to those who tell only lies. I am very sad and My Heart is filled with pain. Whoever frees his mind from mundane affairs and returns to My Love, will have forgiveness. I will embrace them and forgive their sins." Jesus said.

When we know how much power is the Lord’s love and how his love can bring us to Heaven instead of going to the eternal fire Hell, we will pray and follow Jesus’s example more in our daily lives, no matter how busy we are. Because prayer is the key to open all the doors, prayer is the only way to connect to the Lord. Jesus said, "I feel great pain to be neglected and ridiculed ….. Keep awake for the sake of sinners. Pray and cloister all in your heart.” And Jesus clearly said what is his expectation for us, "Pray a great deal. Do not lose any of your precious times; spend it with me for the salvation of souls. Put yourself in the high spirit of contemplation. Cloister mankind in your heart. I need your complete obedience. Follow and learn. This is what I want of you."

