
The Face in the sky

靈感的詩: 天空


American people, wake up!
Pray , pray more, and pray deeper,
Love, love more, and love deeper.
Show me and I will show you
My second coming is
Near, Nearer, Nearest.

啟示錄1:14-16 他的頭與髮皆白,如白羊毛,如雪;眼目如同火焰;腳好像在爐中鍛鍊光明的銅;聲音如同眾水的聲音。他右手拿著七星,從他口中出來一把兩刃的利劍;面貌如同烈日放光。

使徒行傳1:6-8 他們聚集的時候,問耶穌說:「主啊,你復興以色列國就在這時候麼?」耶穌對他們說:「父憑著自己的權柄所定時候、日期,不是你們可以知道的。但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」

使徒行傳2:17-21 神說:在末後的日子,我要將我的靈澆灌凡有氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的少年人要見異象;老年人要做異夢。在那些日子,我要將我的靈澆灌我的僕人和使女,他們就要說預言。在天上、我要顯出奇事;在地下、我要顯出神蹟;有血,有火,有煙霧。日頭要變為黑暗,月亮要變為血;這都在主大而明顯的日子未到以前。到那時候,凡求告主名的,就必得救。


God Bless Hawaii-above all

2009.7.4 news

North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials.
The missile, believed to be a Taepodong-2 with a range of up to 4,000 miles, would be launched in early July from the Dongchang-ni site on the north-western coast of the secretive country.

Sunday message on July 19:

" I heard that they finished the Holy Spirit Assemblies in New York and Houston and received a report saying they will have a Holy Spirit Assembly in Hawaii on July 3~4. North Korea was angry about the U.S. limiting their quest for nuclear weapons and threatened to fire their missiles at Hawaii on July 4th. They sent me an urgent report asking if they should have the Assembly in Hawaii even though Hawaii is afraid and nervous about this.

As you saw on the news, tourists stayed away from Hawaii and the citizens of Hawaii were trembling in fear over this. America dispatched their military to the area. The Assembly team and the Hawaii head leaders wrote me asking if they should avoid that date because North Korea threatens to fire their missiles.

Upon receiving this letter I asked the Lord about this. The Lord said, “If they fire their missile, I will kick them away like a soccer ball with my eagle claws. So have the Holy Spirit Assembly on the scheduled days of July 3~4.” Hallelujah~ Amen

The peace message from Lord announced in Hawaii Providence on July 3-4, Lord showed Monica the pigeon/dove (representative of peace) on her balcony of hotel and many angels and armies are moving to Hawaii from Heaven, the event went on as usual.

It reminds me a beautiful song: above all

超乎一切 Above all (中文版)
powers above all kings 超乎眾權能 超乎眾王
Above all nature and all created things超乎眾受造 和 宇宙眾萬物
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man超乎眾智慧 和 眾人的道路
You were here before the world began是你創造天地和萬物
Above all kindgoms above all thrones超乎眾國度 超乎權位
Above all wonders the world has ever known超乎這世界所知和所想像
Above all wealth and treasure of the earth超乎這世上的財富和珍寶
There's no way to measure what You're worth無一事物能與你相比

Crucified laid behind a stone釘十架 埋葬在石洞
You lived to die rejected and alone你捨生命 被拒絕和孤單
Like a rose trampled on the ground像玫瑰 遭踐踏在地
You took the fall and thought of me勝過死亡 你顧念我 Above all超乎一切

Manhattan sky on June 26


on June 26 about 8:30pm

Mammatus Clouds over Manhattan we driving after the rains heading to pier 40 on the west village to party @ queen mary when suddenly we stop and started to shoot this rare cloud formation i never seen.


Mammatus Clouds:

Mammatus, also known as mammatocumulus, meaning "Mammary cloud" or "Breast cloud" is a meteorological term applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. The name "mammatus" is derived from the Latin mamma (udder or breast), due to the clouds' characteristic shape, as some believe there is a resemblance between the shape of these clouds and the breast of a woman.

Independent Day:

Independence Day (also known by its promotional abbreviation ID4) is a 1996 science fiction film about a hostile alien invasion of Earth, focusing on a disparate group of individuals and families as they coincidentally converge in the Nevada desert and, along with the rest of the human population, participate in a last-chance retaliation effort on July 4 – the same date as the Independence Day holiday in the United States. It was directed by Roland Emmerich, who co-wrote the script with producer Dean Devlin.


A beautiful mistake~Bouley

2009.7.21 紐約不吃不可之一
同事介紹一家法國餐廳 BOULEY,正逢紐約一年兩度的Restaurant week,在OpenTable.com中訂了位置,一群八人浩浩蕩蕩前往Tribeca-163 Duane st享用原價100元以上,餐廳週晚餐特價35元的盛會。
菜單一來發現沒有所期待的35元三個course的套餐,硬著頭皮問說著法文的服務生才知道本餐廳二十年來從不參加Restaurant week ,當場知道這一餐下來不便宜了。

一套 tasting manual USD 95元有六道courses,以紐約的物價算起來不算太貴,且比起台灣的法國菜,在這邊吃法國菜真的很划算,尤其這高級的餐廳裝潢,燭光晚餐及真花錦簇,每道菜都換餐具碗盤,服務生的態度及熱誠解說更是來紐約所見最好,這邊的服務和食物品質,真的沒話說,大家都吃得很盡興過癮。

主廚 David Bouley 在54歲時曾到日本Osaka最大的Tsuji culinary school 去學習,融合了日本及法式料理,非常的精緻也很合我們的口味。
Chef: http://gothamist.com/2008/04/15/david_bouley_ch.php
Bouley's zagat: http://www.zagat.com/Verticals/PropertyDetails.aspx?VID=8&R=50961





嫂嫂叫她妞妞,哥哥叫她Princess,我叫她New new~因為今年是變化更新的一年,

想到一首歌,歌名是: 你是為了愛而誕生
You were born for love!


River to River festival

R2R Free festival
紐約每年夏天在曼哈頓上城的中央公園,中城的Bryant Park,下城區 Hudson River parks 沿岸公園都有很多Free events.
7/7 Battery park: King Lear by Shakespeare, new york classical theatre present 12 free roving performances across 25 acres of battery park, including historic castle clinton.

這是很特別的體驗因為我們得跟著演員沿著公園個景點走位換場景,且今天是 closing date,they have closing party and give us a free drink. 真的感謝神!

7/9 在winter garden 有一年兩次的world financial center restaurant showcase.
The Grill room- BBQ baby back ribs with mango coleslaw
SouthWest NY- mesquite-smoked chicken wings
mini-BBQ pulled pork sliders
mango Gazpacho with Tequillar-rock shrimp.
Ciao Bella Gelato- Sicilian blood orange sorbet.
Financier patisserie- tiramisu cup


Let's go Yankees --God bless America

July 4 --Toronto Blue Jays V.S. New York Yankees

來紐約不替王建民加油似乎說不過去,因此推辭了副理家好吃的barbecue party,一群人前往洋基吶喊去。

很幸運的今天風和日麗,所坐的位置是內野最上層有遮蔭處 groundstand-dugout (20+10 fee)
非常的舒服,購票網站 www.stubhub.com

球賽很精采,從第一局Matsui就打出第一支Home run,一直打到12局,洋基以6比5險勝藍鳥隊,可以容納五萬多人的新球場,讓我見識了美國人瘋球賽的運動風氣,台灣人也不惶多讓,帶著國旗為先發投手王建民加油。球場氣氛很好有很多和觀眾的互動,看累了也可以亂走亂逛買東西吃,很 relax.

我覺得最特別的是到了第七場上半局,全場起立,有一男高音帶頭領唱 God Bless America,聽說每一場球賽都是如此,美國真是個以神為本愛神的國家。