
something you need to learn

3.30 how to express our anger?

Today, I went to Modell’s to buy somethings.
The sales clerk can not understand my accent and replied with impatient voice, very pettish and reluctant tone, I can not help but express my anger with my broken English. then i told her bad manner made me angry and i do not want to go to the store again!
She did not care.
When I went to the first floor, i ask the other clerk to express my feeling to the manager, she let me wait until the guard told her manager has left already.
Then, I told to my teacher, Joyce, I would like to learn how to reflect my angerto others in polite way.
Here is her suggestions:
  1. what is your name? (and write it down to get her attention)
  2. I want to speak to your manager. (keep your temper, if you lose it, you lost.)
  3. I will write a letter to the director of Modell's
  4. the sales person is rude.
  5. I will not buy things from this store again. and I will tell my friends not to buy in your store.
  6. I will put on my blog! (I did have a blog)
However, when I rethought the situation , I remember one proverb of Nelson Mandela:
Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!
which means:
Hatred can only hurt youself, not hurt others!
I think God reminds me to forgive other people as the sunday message mentioned!


Haruki Murakami


Banana Yoshimodo


MTA fare hikes 25% in the recession

昨天沸揚許久的紐約大都會運輸局 MTA通過末日預算(Doomsday Budget),確定五月底開始全面漲價25%,使得紐約的公車或地鐵單程票價由2元變成2.5元,我們所使用最划算的無限次月票(Unlimited)也由81元調漲至103元了。
如果漲價是為了改善運輸系統及提高服務品質,那還可以勉強接受,但為了彌補12億元的赤字,就如丟錢到黑洞中,讓紐約人的生活在經濟旱災中更加辛苦。難怪同事說 Service system is a poison.
原本已經夠多流浪漢和失業的街頭賣藝者在地鐵乞討,這樣的漲價讓紐約市民不悅,乞討者也更難討生活了。前幾天在中央車站的地鐵看到一個穿著整齊西裝的黑人乞丐用四個看板敘述他的故事---之前因為事故導致腦殘,奇蹟式的被醫治了還上了報紙,Now, I need another miracle-A JOB!

"NEW YORK CITY-Unless Albany acts before May 31, the eight million New Yorkers who ride public transit each day will be served up another dose of economic reality, thanks to a doomsday budget vote by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority on Wednesday. "

Yesterday, I read an article about the disasters/catastrophes happened in recent years,
nowadays the global economics drought/recession is in the same situation.
  1. Kobe earthquake.(日本神戶) – January 17th 1995. 6,300 people killed and $140 billon in damages.

  2. Sampoong department store(三豐百貨) in Korea collapse. June 29th 1995. 501 people killed. 937 injured.

  3. IMF crisis.(東南亞金融風暴) – December 1997. Overcame the shortage of foreign currency by receiving support from the IMF.

  4. Kosovo war(科索沃). March 24~June 25th 1999. 7,500 Kosovo citizens and civilians killed.

  5. Taiwan earthquake.(南投集集) – September 21st 1999. 2,193 killed.

  6. Major flooding in Venezuela (委內瑞拉)in South America. – December 1999. Killed 30,000 people.

  7. France winter storm. December 1999. (Toward the end of Christmas in 1999, 2 powerful winter storms ravaged Europe. The storm caused widespread damage in France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy. It is considered the worst storm in the past 50 years.)

  8. 9.11 Terror attack U.S.A. – September 11th 2001.

  9. SARS epidemic. Occurred between November 2002 to July 2003. 8096 people contracted SARS and 774 people died.

  10. Tsunami that devastated Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Maldives,… Occurred on December 26th 2004 and killed 300,000 people and caused 5 million people to be homeless.

  11. Bar fire in Zhongshan(深圳) China. A fire that occurred in a bar in 2005 that killed 320 people

  12. Cyclone in Myanmar(緬甸). May 2nd 2008. 138,000 killed and more than a million people made homeless.

  13. Earthquake in Shichun China.(四川) – Occurred on May 12th 2008 and killed over 70,000 people, 18,000 people missing, 373,000 people injured, and 5 million people left homeless.





路加福音16:19-31 有一個財主穿著紫色袍和細麻布衣服,天天奢華宴樂。又有一個討飯的,名叫拉撒路,渾身生瘡,被人放在財主門口,要得財主桌子上掉下來的零碎充飢;並且狗來舔他的瘡。後來那討飯的死了,被天使帶去放亞伯拉罕的懷裏。財主也死了,並且埋葬了。他在陰間受痛苦,舉目遠遠地望見亞伯拉罕,又望拉撒路在他懷裏,就喊著說:『我祖亞伯拉罕哪,可憐我吧!打發拉撒路來,用指頭尖蘸點水,涼涼我的舌頭;因為我在這火焰裏,極其痛苦。』亞伯拉罕說:『兒啊,你該回想你生前享過福,拉撒路也受過苦;如今他在這裏得安慰,你倒受痛苦。不但這樣,並且在你我之間,有深淵限定,以致人要從這邊過到你們那邊是不能的;要從那邊過到我們這邊也是不能的。』財主說:『我祖啊!既是這樣,求你打發拉撒路到我父家去;因為我還有五個弟兄,他可以對他們作見證,免得他們也來到這痛苦的地方。』亞伯拉罕說:『他們有摩西和先知的話可以聽從。』他說:『我祖亞伯拉罕哪,不是的,若有一個從死裏復活的,到他們那裏去的,他們必要悔改。』亞伯拉罕說:『若不聽從摩西和先知的話,就是有一個從死裏復活的,他們也是不聽勸。』」

2009.3.18 聯合報



Saint Patrick's Day



Everything is green !環保意識抬頭的一天


"Things are Green on St. Patrick's Day /March 17, 2009
Unnaturally-colored beer. Paper leprechaun hats. Plastic cups strewn everywhere. St Patrick's Day can be wasteful indeed, but that doesn't mean your celebration of it has to be. For Irish-Americans, here are five things that are green - in more way than one - for St. Patrick's Day.

2.Food. Many will indulge in some delicious corned beef, but that's not the only food that Ireland is known for. Try some Irish soda bread, or a veggie stew. Don't forget potatoes - traditional, with the added benefit of a tiny carbon footprint. How about some colcannon?
3. Transit. If you're celebrating tonight, leave the car at home. By taking public transportation to your St. Patrick's Day party or bar of choice, you'll be environmentally friendly and also won't have to worry about driving home safely after a few organic brews. If public transit isn't an options, sign on with a few friends for a designated driver-led carpool.
4. Rivers :The Chicago River received its annual dose of green dye this weekend, and though the formula is kept secret, the Chicago’s Journeymen Plumbers Union vow that the dye is nontoxic and environmentally friendly . Notes the , "40 pounds of dye is a proverbial drop in the bucket compared to all the other stuff that’s in the Chicago River," which is known to contain mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls.
5. Parades: Many cities have made attempts to host St Patrick's Day parades that are more environmentally aware.


Tweed courthouse

紐約深入觀光的另一種方式為線上預約。很多有名的建築、私人豪宅除了每年十月的OPEN HOUSE 可以免費一窺究竟之外,一些政府機構也提供網路或電話預約由專人簡介導覽,如FED的黃金倉庫 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_Bank_of_New_York
"Main article: 33 Liberty Street
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York maintains a vault that lies 86 feet (26 m) below sea level, resting on Manhattan bedrock. By 1927, the vault contained ten percent of the world's official gold reserves. Currently, it is reputedly the largest gold repository in the world (though this cannot be confirmed as Swiss Banks do not report their gold stocks) and holds approximately 5,000 metric tons of gold bullion ($160 billion as of March 2008), more than Fort Knox. The gold is owned by many foreign nations, central banks and international organizations. The Federal Reserve Bank does not own the gold but serves as guardian of the precious metal, which it protects at no charge as a gesture of good will to other nations."
及City hall tour & Tweed courthouse tour http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tweed_Courthouse

2009.3.13 前往city hall參觀頹德老大的房子
(台灣翻譯為特威德: http://www.americancorner.org.tw/americaslibrary/category/page/jb/recon/boss_1.htm)

這棟古色古香的建築是19世紀紐約最重要的建築之一,歷經及兩位建築師(1861-1881),花了美金11-12 million,不過2/3進入了當時為紐約市長及參議員Tweed的口袋中。2001年重建後目前為紐約教育部的辦公場所。
Well, it is part of the history.

The Old New York County Courthouse, better known as Tweed Courthouse, is architecturally one of New York's greatest civic monuments. Built between 1861 and 1881, it is the product of two of New York's most prominent 19th century architects, John Kellum (1809-1871) and Leopold Eidlitz (1823-1908). Tweed is a designated New York City landmark and sections of the interior are designated interior landmarks as well. The courthouse has retained its original spatial arrangement, encompassing 30 monumental courtrooms and a central rotunda. Their immense cast-iron structural and decorative elements are unparalleled in any American public building.
In December 1861, John Kellum won the commission to build the "New County Courthouse." Kellum designed a rusticated basement, monumental Corinthian portico, and a dome, which was never built. On the interior, Kellum created neoclassical-style courtrooms and offices as well as the first two floors of the rotunda. After Kellum's death, the City commissioned Leopold Eidlitz in 1874 to complete the interior and design a new south wing. Rather than following Kellum's neoclassical style, Eidlitz incorporated elements of Romanesque architecture, including on the interior polychromed brick and richly carved stonework as well as a spectacular laylight over the octagonal rotunda–one of the most impressive public spaces in New York City.
Tweed Courthouse is the legacy of Tammany Hall boss William M. Tweed (1823-1878), who used the construction of the building to embezzle large sums from the budget. Boss Tweed was tried in 1873 in an unfinished courtroom in this building and was convicted and jailed. After the Tweed Ring was broken up, work stopped on the building from 1872 to 1876. Construction progressed slowly after the Tweed years, and it was not until 1881 that the building was finally completed.
In 1999, a comprehensive restoration began to return Tweed to its original grandeur. The front staircase, which had been removed in 1940 to widen Chambers Street, was reconstructed. The restoration also included the reapplication of the historic paint scheme, which includes faux brick painting and gold leaf appliqué.
Today, Tweed is home to the Department of Education and the first floor is occupied by Ross Global Academy Charter School."




不過美國人有六點傳統價值觀: six traditional values
1.individual freedom-------4.self-reliance
2.equality of opportunity--..5.competition
3.material wealth-----------6.hard-work
重視個人自由,人人機會平等; 物質主義;;

一位官拜陸軍上校,又是基督徒竟然倒我們銀行的錢不還,忍不住上網查一下他的資料,發現他仍非常的活躍在各媒體中。 忍不住問同事,為何他可以這樣(囂張?)原來美國個人破產法只有七年,七年內只要沒有財產或是脫產後宣布破產,銀行也奈你無何,七年後又是一條好漢。所以美國次級房貸受災戶就這樣賴著銀行不繳房貸,大不了把房子收回,但經過法律程序後又要兩三年,這期間就繼續待在銀行的免房租房子中。公司也是如此,脫產後宣告倒閉,剩下的就是苦主的事情了,銀行繼續收拾善後及法律判決,股東則面臨股票成為壁紙的現實。

補充: 美國破產法
"美國的破產法有一個破產的代號,企業破產處於第11章,美國也通常將破產稱之為破產保護,也就是這並不是真正意味上的破產,而是這個企業在法庭的保護下短期內,6 到9 個月內避免了債權人的追債,給破產企業一個喘息的機會來重組公司,爭取公司恢復正常的營運狀況,可以說這還是對破產公司非常寬鬆。美國的個人破產案是分別在第13 章和第 7 章有所規定,第13章指的是一種暫緩破產的行為,就是說債權人給債務人兩至三年的時間內分批還清債權人的款項,但必須符合有保證的貸款25萬美元以下,75 萬美元無保證的貸款以下。而第 7 章的規定就是指直接的破產,不存在再償還債務的問題。破產將使個人信用喪失殆盡,宣佈破產使得個人信用損失殆盡,今後很難再向銀行取得任何的貸款,今後十年內。   宣佈個人破產手續十分簡單,只需要到聯邦法院遞交申請,並交納200美元費用即可,或者可以打律師等仲介機構代理。 安然和世通案,對美國的經濟衝擊很大,股市暴跌,使得投資者對美國股市、上市公司的業績和會計報表喪失信心,美國政府正在積極立法,以打擊上市公司弄虛作假的行為,包括向對上市公司的負責人提起刑事指控。2002年7 月26日,美國通過了新的破產法,特別加強了申請破產的難度。目前這個法案面臨美國國會的投票,目前美國很多人都爭取趕在這個法案實施之前申請破產,美國對上市公司的監管是多方面的,首先美國證監會有權對上市公司進行調查,基次國會有專門的證監委員會監管證券市場。現在,美國政府正在增加美國證監會的費用開支,使得證監會有更多的資金來雇用人員進行調查,並且正在起草多項法律來監管證券市場。 "
2. http://www.lawtime.cn/info/pochan/grpc/2008110743413.html
美國國會於2005年4月通過「2005防制濫用破產與消費保護法」(Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005),並於10月17日施行。本次修正是因銀行、信用卡發卡機構及商業團體歷經多年遊說而立法,重點在於個人破產的相關規定,尤其是過去10年來美國個人破產案件成長一倍,因此新版破產法最大的改變,即是大幅提高聲請破產的門檻,且債務人必須先參與破產管理局所定的債務協商機制才可聲請破產。 相關法律包括:
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Chandler Act 1938 Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978
Bankruptcy Tax Act of 1980
Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984
Bankruptcy Judges,
United States Trustees,
and Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act of 1986
Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1992
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

Dream or Reality~Disney world in Orlando, FL

It is about a man's dream:
a place where children and adults, boys and girls all play and have lots of fun together.
Walt disney built his dream country and made people's dream come true, included me.

This is the trip I plan from alpha to omega. I asked Anthony and Grace who just came back from Disney, learned to use Priceline to "name my own price" to get cheaper airplane ticket and hotel. I did a lot of preparation and it was worthy.

Disney world in Orlando is the biggest Disney in the world. There are four main theme parks.

一 Disney Magic Kingdom from 1971
Magic kingdom is for those who have child heart.
"Visit the incredible fantasy world-Magic Kingdom, wondrous attractions thrust you into enchanting adventures, lavish parades and shows of your favorite Disney classics leave you laughter and cherished memories that last forever."
In the center of park is the statue of Walt Disney and Micky mouse.
" Mickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character who has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks and voiced by Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928 and become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world."

I just came up with a question:Disney kingdom started from a mouse-why is the mouse? Because in Chinese lunar year, the mouse is also in first ranking.
Anyway, I saw lots of cute children and happiness family here, and it remineded me when I was 8, Mom brought my brother and I to Tokyo Disney as well. The day ended up with wishes come true fireworks.

二 Disney Epcot Center from 1982:
"See the fantastic adventures and exploration and personally test the very latest high-tech products at Innoventions in "Future World" ,take a "walk around the world" such as Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, USA, Japan, Monaco, France, United Kingd...etc in the majestic "World Showcase Lagoon".

I like EPCOT most , it has lots of new or cool stuff. It is not only excited but also very educational. I felt American children are very lucky to experience the simulate situation,
explore the world and try error when they are young. Thus, when they grow up and face the music, they have enough knowlege to overcome it. For example, in Innovetion East, we learn how to build our house to storm struck, it is useful because there are many hurricane in Florida.

三 Disney Hollywood Studios from 1989:
"Visit MGM Studios for an explosive, star-studded experience. Stunts and special effects, spaceships and stage shows, movie magic both in and behind the scenes gives you a day of non-stop fun, thrills, and spectacular entertainment."

Hollywood has lots of shows and interactive time.
Such as: The American Idol Experience--3 audiences sing on stage and we voted the winner;
Live "Beauty and the Beast" on stage. I lined up like a kid and got Belle's signature on our photo.
Light, Motors, Action-Extreme stunt show, and Indiana Jones-epic stunt spectacular.
This theme is small but I enjoy the shows and movies very much.
But it is a pity that I did not notice the must see Fantasmic show did not run on Monday.
I should switch it to Sunday. Well, nothing is perfect in real world.

四 Disney Animal Kingdom is the latest, from 1998.
"Visit the fourth Walt Disney World Theme Park-Animal Kingdom. You can experience thrilling encounters with the real, imaginary, and extinct creatures such as hippopotamus, rhinoceros, lions, deer, elephants who rule here, and get ready for a journey into the mysteries, marvels, and thrills of the ever-unfolding story of animals."

Animal kingdom is wild and it is time to do something crazy.
Such as, Kilimanjaro safari-ride in an open-air safari vehicle and expedition through an african style savannah, chasing giraffes, gazelles, elelphants and rhino; Kari river rapids and expedition Everest to find Yeti (a.k.a Abominable snowman).
Show time: Finding NEMO musical, The lion king festival and flights of wonder-amazing birds performance.
The best turkey leg is in Trilo-bite. I ate a fantastic dinner in rainforest cafe with Brazilian drink, and then went Disney downtown. Disney has its own downtown with free shuttle bus,
it brings lots of job opportunities on this everglade and swamp state.
If there is no Disney, Florida will not be the same. And it is still expanding and renewing now.
All from a small person's big idea.

To conclude, I want to thanks God to give me such a wonderful trip.
The journey is colorful, ups and downs, waiting and fasspass, laughs and screams.
I can still hear the music when I review the photos of the dreaming trip.
It is my youth, courage and adventure.
It reminds me "Enjoy moment, share life!"
Carpe diem!

Footnotes-some tips and skills good to know:
Priceline book hotel + air ticket package/ or name your own price
Transportation: mears shuttle and Disney free shuttle
Hotel shuttle to Disney- EPCOT
Breakfast in hotel saves a lot.
Resort fee and tax should be counted to budget
Using Fast Pass to cut waiting time, some popular spots should be ranked first
(ex--10:29am get 4:10 return ticket, another fast pass ticket will be available after 2 hours )
Photo pass: Kodak camera man will upload the photos on your photopass card and view it free on internet for 30 days. I learn it on the last day, there is always something to learn!
Single rider lane is fast .
To be the popular show or parade 20-30 minutes earlier to occupied good spot.
Free First time to come pin
Happy birthday with free birthday pass--good promotion to bring friends in Disney.
Turkey legs in animal kingdom is a must eat
Swirl ice cream waffle
Book tickets in advance through official website- will call or electric machine to pick up
Tour map and schedule- show time arrange—ex:MGM fantasmic
Line up for 20-60 min is normal, eat when you wait
Bring a bottle for water/ food.


Brooklyn Museum

Because my conversation partner Bates Whitney is sick today, so I sit in the cafeteria and chat with other students. But one Chinese man came and continue to talked about politic stuff, he made me so uncomfortable, therefore I decided to go to Brooklyn museum with Yuki Hiraoka.
Taiwanese and Japanese have many things in common; I like Japanese people more than Chinese. One of my Japanese classmates told me that I should introduce Taiwan to let other students know more about Taiwan, and this is America, no one can deny Taiwan, even people from Tibet said Tibet is a country.

It is my first time to Brooklyn, before, I think it is not safe to come, but I find the Brooklyn museum is so bright and organize.
Today is the First Saturday in March, so many free programs supported by Target (department store). http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/visit/first_saturdays.php

I enjoy the exhibition tour of ancient Egypt and the storytelling time.
This exhibition presents the Brooklyn Museum's permanent collection of Late Antique stone sculptures (A.D. 395–642), including several reworked or repainted objects and some that appear to be modern forgeries. The ancient reliefs were made for use in pagan and Coptic Christian cemeteries as well as in Christian churches and monasteries. In addition to mythological and Christian motifs, these works include plant and animal designs that were apparently used by both religious groups. Sculpture of this type was little known when it began to appear on the market shortly after World War II, and remained virtually unstudied even into the 1960s and 1970s, when most of the Brooklyn examples were acquired. Gradually, some scholars began to realize that the many examples now in museums in both Europe and the United States included many modern impostors, but a comprehensive study has yet to be undertaken. For a review of the Brooklyn Museum’s pieces, a curator of Egyptian Art joined the Museum’s objects conservators, and they also consulted outside authorities on Coptic art and on the sources of Egyptian stone; much of that work is still ongoing. This exhibition focuses on the work done so far, and especially on the stylistic characteristics of the works, both ancient and modern."

The storytelling time is so interesting, Diane Wolkstein tells 3 stories about Inanna, Ruth and Judith. I like Ruth best, because it is from Bible, so I can understand it very well.


Saint Patrick Cathedral

今天到紐約第五大道Saint Patrick Cathedral, 很高興看到它不像歐洲的教堂只是觀光用,它不僅記載了歷史上人們對神和耶穌的敬崇更是現代人持續敬拜神作禮拜彌撒的地方,它代表著傳統和現代,若不是傳統,不會有這麼漂亮的歌德式建築雕刻和玫瑰窗;若不是現代,人們實際的使用讓它的價值和精神永遠流傳著。
最近很多天主教的節慶,在2月25日Ash Wednesday發現街頭有些人在額頭中心點一個黑點,正覺得奇怪因為印度教是點紅點,聽語言中心的老師說才知道這是天主教徒的傳統,周三聖灰節:
在復活節前的四十天是齋戒月,LENT,進入四十天的齋戒月之前,他們會大玩特玩舉辦carnival and parade,叫做Mardi Gras(Fat Tuesday)。New Orleans, Louisiana, is one of the most famous carnival celebrations in the world.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan不久前才正式被羅馬教宗派任到紐約當樞機主教,也是在St. Patrick 接風的。
February 24, 2009 -- from new york post
New Yorkers yesterday got their first look at a man who's sure to become a fixture of the city's public life.
Timothy Dolan, the Catholic archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisc., got a warm welcome at St. Patrick's Cathedral yesterday morning, hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his appointment as archbishop of New York.
The new leader of 2.5 million Catholics from Staten Island to upstate Ulster County will take office on April 15, following the retirement of his predecessor, Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan.
Egan will be missed, but he's earned his retirement, and New Yorkers of goodwill hope he enjoys it.
The 59-year-old Dolan, meanwhile, built a reputation in Milwaukee as a fatherly, media-savvy prelate who maintained a frequent correspondence with Wisconsin's public figures.
Indeed, he's already evoked comparisons - perhaps prematurely - to New York's John Cardinal O'Connor, who served as archbishop from 1984 to 2000.
His style is also in striking contrast to the far more reserved Cardinal Egan.
Egan, to be sure, performed a vital service to New York during his nine-year tenure. Perhaps most important, he put the archdiocese on a sound fiscal footing after the large deficits of the O'Connor years - and managed the effective and orderly consolidation of parishes.
A fluent Spanish-speaker, he's also credited with integrating New York's Hispanic Catholics into an archdiocese with a long history of Irish leadership.
Still, to everything there is a season - and New York's Catholics can certainly hope that, after the retrenchment of the Egan years, Dolan is the right man to renew the public presence that's long been the church's gift to New York.
He certainly has a fair shot at success.
In addition to his personal charm, Dolan's a noted intellectual and historian. And he earned a reputation for honesty and compassion in the wake of the sex-abuse scandals of 2002, when he was charged with dealing with cases in St. Louis.
As he said yesterday, "I relish the blessing of spending the rest of my life as your pastor, neighbor and friend."
All New Yorkers should thank Cardinal Egan for his years of service to the entire community - and extend a warm welcome to Timothy Dolan.