
12.13 sat

周六還要千里迢迢通車到市中心上語言中心的課真是個挑戰,不過周六的學生也少,大家都出去玩了。今天上的課是Aja Brown’s short stories-it is very interesting. 這黑人老師很博學很會教,學生程度也不錯。

紐約的簡介 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_city#cite_note-6

Thank God! my conversation partner is a black girl graduated in NYU and got her master degree in Columbia university last year. This is her first time to join this program. She is quite knowledgeable and willing to help. We discussed the music, movie, skating, family and recommended restaurants. I like her because she is nice、smart and easy to make friend. Now she works in a high school for the student activities、career plan and exchange program.

Mallory帶我們逛flusing 的好吃餐廳,小小的一區原來有這麼多好吃的。她還畫了地圖,民以食為天,我們決定弄成電腦檔好好的傳承下去。

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