4.15 My first Ipod touch from Apple store
在Amazon網路購物一波三折,聽到室友已經買了 Ipod touch 2 gen,正好是我想要的那一款,且還是Apple Genius服務的,決定多花點錢買個服務。
到了Apple store,整家店滿滿的都是人,人聲鼎沸,服務人員就有三種,the one who wear orange is manager, navy blue is apple genius-for consultation, light blue is product salesperson. At the same time, there is a workshop for people to learn how to use apple products everyday. It is like an education center, bright and comfortable, It is really good.
I found a guy with blue eyes to introduce me how to use ipod touch, because I am the first-time user. He is very kind and willing to help even though I said I want to shop online for free personal engraving, he did not show any impatience if I did not buy from him. Then I decided to buy, he was surprised and happy.
When I try it at home, I am really satisfied with the quality and function, no wonder Americans like apple so loyal, and the price never go down nor has discount since I arrived in NY.
4.23 後續服務
新買的IPOD在設定好 itunes及email 之後出現異常,會自動關閉再也無法充電,以為是電池問題,換新的一台之後還是出現同樣的狀況。一方面因為預約6:00卻等到6:35,另一方面Genius bar的維修人員無法解答我的疑問,只要我再換一台試用看看,我表達自己不想要再花時間試用了,他答應讓我全額退貨(straight return),無緣的Apple ipod touch。