Amazon 號稱美國最早且最大的購物網站,我也不免當一下美國人嘗試一下網路購物經驗。
此網站有賣Amazon 及各大實體商店的物品(需課稅)也有個人戶或其他網路公司的商品(免稅)。
Amazon的customer service還不錯,可以用網路電話立即接到專人服務,如果下班時間也會用email回覆且不超過一天,但所賣的商品品質真的比較沒有辦法和實體商店相比,如我為了買i-pod touch 2 generation 已經下了第三次訂單,第一次(3/17) seller cancel the order, 第二次(3/24) used-like new item has flaws, I return it. but fortunately the seller paid the UPS fee, 第三次(4/1) order but the seller did not ship on time and claimed he did not get the payment, while amazon said the money go to his account on the same day i paid for it. I felt I spent too much time for saving usd 70 (325-255). Next time, I might not do it again.
When can I file an A-to-z Guarantee claim?
You can file an A-to-z Guarantee claim if you purchased physical goods from a seller or merchant selling on the website (including the Marketplace), or used Amazon Payments to purchase physical goods from a third party website. See "Exclusions from coverage--不含台灣" below for a list of items that are not covered by the A-to-z Guarantee.
One of the three conditions below must also apply:
You made payment to the seller through the website or a third party website using Amazon Payments, but the seller failed to deliver the item by 3 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date for an order or 30 days from the order date, whichever is sooner; or
You received the item, but the item was defective, damaged, or not the item depicted in the seller's description; or
You have returned the item to the seller per an agreement between the buyer and seller and the seller has not provided the agreed reimbursement to the buyer after receiving the item.
You must first contact the seller through Your Account before filing a claim. From the order details, click "Problem with this order?" and "Contact your Seller." Please allow three business days to give your seller a chance to address the issue. You can submit a Guarantee claim if the seller does not respond or if the issue is not addressed to your satisfaction.
Warranty Coverage:
If your item becomes defective more than 30 days past the shipment date and it is under warranty, you must contact the manufacturer for repair or replacement.
How much coverage will I receive?
Buyers who pay for Amazon Marketplace or Merchant purchases via the website and buyers who use Amazon Payments for qualified purchases from a third party website are eligible to receive up to $2,500 of the purchase price, including shipping charges.
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