紐行 https://www.megabank.com.tw/abroad/newyork/ny01.asp
位於曼哈頓的金融區 Liberty st. & Broadway交接口,是一棟法式布雜學院式建築(Beaux),曾經是紐約商會大樓-1901年由貝克(James barnes Baker )所建,貓頭鷹出版社指出:{這棟建築奇葩是「美麗城市」運動的產物,更是紐約市所有建築風格大樓中最漂亮的。原本三座雕像中未能抵禦各種污染的侵襲,值得一看的是金碧輝煌的門廳。}
目前一樓為中央銀行,2-5樓為我們的辦公室。和之前提過的Tweed courthouse 一樣是古蹟改成辦公室使用。尤其二樓的大廳-以前商會開會使用的更是建得美侖美奐,金紅色的挑高天花板,牆上是手工織錦的紅色壁氈,坐在裡面辦公如在博物館上班一樣,可以遙想當年商會會員及地方權貴進來開會的社交情景..........
Chamber of commerce-1
The New York Chamber of Commerce building stands at 65 Liberty Street, New York City, on the site of the former Real Estate Exchange. The Beaux-Arts style building was designed by architect James Barnes Baker and built in 1901-1902, with later additions and alterations. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1977. The building housed a trust company banking room on the first floor, and a "Chamber of Commerce," numerous offices and meeting spaces, a clubroom, library, reading room and kitchen on the upper floors for use by the NYCC.
不過漂亮的古蹟如人要衣裝一樣,需要很多的維修費才能夠維持當年的美麗,National Historic Landmark 更是禁止改建,使得2樓辦公的20多人只能共用一間廁所,常常三顧茅廁不得其門而入,排隊或是改爬兩層到三四樓上廁所也成為運動健身的另一良方。