午餐後,江襄理鼓勵我們出去走走,春天來了,花兒也逐漸綻放笑容 。
美國人都跑出來曬太陽了,我這個外國人也不例外,捨棄了中午的補眠時間到south seaport 逛逛。來美國已經第四個月了,剛好經歷四個月紐約的冬天,春天來了,新的一批實習生也已經公布,我們回家的日子也近了,所以更要加緊把握每一天。
3.31 第一次做義工
語言中心的日本朋友Kaoru 喜歡看舞蹈表演,我也是,因此她約我一起去當引座員 (Usher),這是一種義工但我們因此可以免費的看當天的表演,紐約真是太棒了,資源無限多。
第一次當Usher很緊張,但其實一點也不難只要把觀眾引導到她的位置即可,可容納五六百人的中小型戲院(Joyce theater)一場表演就有近十位引座員,可說是輕鬆的工作。但我們雖是義工卻比打工的美國青少年還要敬業,因為這是一種職業道德,It is a job!
Radiance, Proverb, the spaghetti ballet and dust.
內容超級精彩,各種人類肢體的展現及道具之使用,很有創意也給我很多的啟發,I enjoy it very much!
Kaoru 介紹我很多免費的紐約藝文活動:
1) Concert www.trinitywallstreet.org
On Mondays at St.Paul Chapel and on Thursdays at Trinity Church at 1:00-2:00, we can enjoy many variety of music. Suggested donation is $2 but you don't need to pay it.
2)Wednesdays www.juliard.edu
On Wednesdaysat 1:00-2:00, the juliard students show their performance by free. I heard that they also have other programs in the evening.
3)The Gotham Jazzmen On Tuesdays at 12:00-13:00 , at the NY public library for the performing arts, we can enjoy the Jazz concert but I've never attend it. I will be there in April.
4)Usher at the Joyce Theatrewww.joyce.org
It is wonderful experience I have been doing since last Nov. When we do a volunteer usher, we can enjoy the dance for free. As I said, we have to be there one hour before opening and wear the black pants and there uniform, but that's it. The joyce theater is near to ICNY and they change the program every week. So, I almost do it once a week. If you are interested in it, we will do it together next time. We will exchange the good news together to enjoy the New York life!