2009.8.26-writing 3 ~Adopt from a speech by P. Sonu
Today is the last day of Holy Spirit assembly; the date was set by Jesus. Jesus will give the whole assembly message.
How much Jesus loves every American. Every single person can receive revelation. SSN sent so many messages to us and wanted to take care of everyone. We have to receive the Holy Spirit right now. Jesus takes care of every single person. This is the last chance at this time.
A church leader I know wants to evangelize, but other members of the church focus too much on their own benefits. Everyone has a desire to do well; she also works hard but now she wants to quit. Suffering for three months she prayed and wrote to SSN. He replied, “The church is run by Jesus and Jesus wants you to love him 100%, and then to love people.” She received energy from the letter and wanted to work even more. “The reason Jesus gave you a mission is to save you, and to receive salvation is the fundamental purpose. We should do a lot of good works, but when we do, it will make our hearts become too worldly.”
Jesus said, “Why are you looking for things you should have done? The first thing is to be humble. Your heart has been occupied by God, not to concentrate on yourself. What I want you to do is to love me 100 % and to believe I love you.”
“People do not have confidence without support from friends and family. For example, a pretty woman is pretty because she has confidence and believes guys love her 100%. Married people with a support spouse will have confidence. It is not that person who does the job, it is Jesus who does.” SSN told the church leader, “You have to have faith in people and wait for them to change. Just believe in them and they will change.”
All we do is not for the physical body but for spiritual. If we do not maintain our position, Satan will attack. One person said, “I will go back to my hometown and work for God there.” SSN said, “If you leave now, you will be in danger. You are here because JESUS calls you here. You have to maintain your position until JESUS gives you your next job.”
And you have to know how valuable we are! We go to church because we can receive salvation. We need to empty our heart, our worldly thoughts first. SSN keeps telling us to make yourself strong and make your spirit clean. We have to develop a repentant mentality. Through the message, you should not just taste it; you have to digest it. Nothing happens without investment of whole self. If you only work for the money, you get money. What kind of person are you? All of your dreams will come true. But you have to know what you wish for. The function of the eyes is not to envy the feet. Each of us has a mission for the Lord. Now is the time to love. God loves us so much. The most important thing is to restore the first love. What is the first love between you and Jesus? God said, “I love you the same way from the beginning to the end. If you do the same you will be able to restore love.”
The reason we go to church is for our salvation. It is not important if we cannot reach our goal, it is important to reach Jesus’s goal for us. Now is the time to prepare for Jesus’s second coming. The love of Jesus gives you confidence. You restore your love. He loves people more than himself. Jesus is our only hope, and let us be Jesus’s only hope.