說實在還蠻有成就感的 古人說的涓滴成流,日起有功,就是如此吧。
Prayer is not an event; It is daily life.
1. As the prayers you prayed for yourself, have been fulfilled;
If you pray for your brothers and your nation, they will also come true.
2 Never has there been a time on earth when prayer was needed as now.
So pray every day, night and day, I will answer them all.
3 You must make me the first priority above all in your life.
Know that I bought~ you with my life; you belong to me
4 Even the extended time is now drawing very fast to an end.
Repent urgently of all your sins~, and prepare yourself.
5 The Lord’s return will happen much sooner, much sooner than you think.
Really, spare your time; use it wisely and make yourself clean.
6 I am your God of heaven and Earth, Yahweh I am Jesus Christ. The savior Jehovah King of Kings, the Lord of Lords!
Chorus: Therefore, pray, standing on faith firm and strong! With deep sorrow, pray! With~ true sincerity, pray!