Today, I went to my Chase bank and reported it, fortunately, they found it suspicious and did not pay it, and will give it back to me. Then they cancel the card and issue me a new card.
I thought it must be from the internet shoping, there are too many traps in internet shoping, and it is easy to grab or steal your card information from website because of the loose regulation. The banker Brain suggested me to use credit card instead of debit card, at least we can pay it one month later and stop the crime.
And it is important to find a qulity bank, the bigger the better. Like Chase, they have good technology to block the suspicious activities and protect their customers.
In a word, thanks God to prevent me from victim.
"One day a year, for the past 31 years, nine of the country's finest museums, all ones that call Fifth Avenue home, collectively open their doors from 6pm - 9pm for free to New Yorkers and visitors for a mile-long block party and visual art celebration. This traffic-free, music- and art-filled celebration fills the street and sidewalks of Fifth Avenue from 82nd to 105th street, the mile now officially designated as Museum Mile. Over 50,000 visitors attend the festival annually.
Central Park Conservancy - at 84th street, 103rd street
Church of the Heavenly Rest - at 90th street
Czech Center NY - at 83rd street
三個小時中逛了五個Museum,其中最喜歡的是Jewish museum及德國 New Gallery.
Jewish museum: 有四層除了特展外,固定的館藏是由很多猶太家族捐贈,八百件作品很豐富的介紹猶太人特殊的歷史文化及宗教生活。很特別的是有六大螢幕展出的影片-The Danube Exodus, 及Holocause時代納粹大屠殺的藝術品展示。
Neue Galerie new york:排隊等了三十分鐘才得以進入,因為很嚴格的管制一個人出來才放一個人進去,德國人的嚴謹和實用讓這博物館與眾不同,很舒服的欣賞這美麗的裝潢和鮮活色彩的圖畫,大約是1910年代左右的畫風,Brucke( Bridge)--"What is great in man is he is a bridge, not an end.'' Their work continues to provide a link between past and future. 展覽中還有一百年前的德國椅子、鐘表和器皿,難怪德國的工藝如此有名,放了一百年的椅子還不會壞。
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