NY branch colleague introduced me her church -- The Brooklyn tabernacle has Hillsong worship concert today. The group is from Sydney and is famous for their beautiful songs for God.
The concert started at 3:30pm, we lined up at 1:30pm but just got the mezzanine seats.
Amazing, so many people lined up under the big sun for going into the church. The pastor is Jim Cymbala, he wrote a book—Fresh wind Fresh Fire.
The main singer is Darlene Zschech, she is good at serving Lord with praise and sing.
I can feel God's love in this gorgeous church.
":Australian, Darlene Zschech is acclaimed all over the world as a singer, songwriter, worship leader and speaker, most notably for spearheading the music that comes from Hillsong Church. Although she has achieved numerous gold albums and her songs are sung in many nations of the world, her success is not the result of pursuing stardom and fame—it stands as a testimony to her life's passion to serve God and people with all her heart.
As a songwriter, Darlene is perhaps most famous for the chorus "Shout to the Lord," a song that is sung by an estimated 25 to 30 million churchgoers every week and has been covered by at least twenty other artists. This song is the title track for the first live album co-produced with Integrity Music, featuring Darlene as a prominent female worship leader. Shout to the Lord was nominated as Album of the Year for the 1997 Dove Awards and was nominated as Song of the Year for the 1998 Dove Awards. In 2000 Darlene received a Dove Award nomination for Songwriter of the Year. "
Hillsong Music Australia 是澳洲市Hillsong Church的直屬機構,它代表著Hillsong Church的音樂文化,也代表著澳洲敬拜音樂的傳奇,這一所世界知名的教會,不單止將基督教音樂文化帶入世俗裡,還成為廿一世紀基督教的先驅。
1992年Hills Christian Life Center(Hillsong Church的前身)進行了第一次的現場錄音,這一次的製作是由Hills Christian Life Center的第一代創作人Geoff Bullock負責。這張以Geoff Bullock的名曲The Power of Your Love命名的唱片,讓世人認悉到Hills Christian Life Center及其音樂品牌Hillsong。期後到了1994年,第二代創作人Darlene Zschech的歌曲Shout to The Lord,以及Reuben Morgan的多首作品使Hillsong更上一層,成為了新的一代敬拜讚美的典範。到今天,Hillsong 第三代創作人的歌曲,正帶領進入另一個新的時代,為未來服事更多年輕人而做準備。