

今早美國的同事 MAISIE 叫住我,祝我生日快樂並給我一份生日禮物,是一本書-
"The secret of GOD's Presence" by Andrew Murray.
What a surprise, because I do not remember I told her it is my birthday, and I got the gift. It must be from God! I am so thankful because someone knows my birthday.
Recently (after MOM back to taiwan), I feel lonely here, my roommate is so quiet, she never shared or talked to me, always I have to start the conversation. And we go to office or go home individually, even in the same bus or same train, she chose sit acrossly the aisle, not next to me. She is very polite and afraid to bother, but too quiet and dull.
Luckily, I can talk to God, and Mom's radio really helps me a lot, I like to turn on the radio and have some "noise" at home.

中午和Mallory到world finance center- winter garden旁的海港野餐,想起英國Southampton的港口,溫暖的陽光掃除冬天的陰霾。下午授信科的同事合買了一個strawberry shortcake to celebrate, I am so appreciated that I can have birthday cake in the foreign country. To my surprise, many colleagues said happy birthday to me, and I got blessing email from friends in Taiwan, It is special and it is love.


Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fufill your unique mission.
A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself, the joy of life. It is also an occasion to rethink your life.
A birthday can teach us the concept of rebirth, no matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again.

5 則留言:

小張 提到...

祝你天天快樂喔 ^O^

Unknown 提到...

Today, I had cheese birthday cake in church, we shared our birthday experience:Someone said he will have a day off to celebrate, someone said his mom did not know it is twins; someone said BD is big thing, because her mom took medicine when pregnant, she thanks to every year for the living, and took pictures for every year BD~it is so different since she knows God, prettier and maturer of couse.

Unknown 提到...

5.17主日話語正中我的要害,不要說你很孤單,因為耶穌就在你身邊。If people live with people because they feel lonely, all they become is physical people. Don’t say you are alone, feel lonely, or feel lonesome because there is no one to connect with. Instead, live speaking with me and connecting with me. Then the conversation will be eternal conversation. You will understand my heart and I will understand your heart and will help you even more.

Unknown 提到...

5.22 收到第一張美國的生日卡,上面有教會朋友的祝福,且是我最喜歡的天藍色和鵝黃色生日卡喔。一起到PIO-PIO慶生,有燈光秀並唱祕魯版的生日快樂歌。Myriam很大方的請所有的五月份壽星和畢業生,感謝神!

Unknown 提到...
