Most western people know Jesus when they are young, but in Asia, most people believe in their ancestors or other gods. I started to know Jesus in my first year of college, and after some miracles happened to me, I decided to become the first and the only Christian in our family.
When I was young, I was taught if I trusted no one and depended on myself, my life would go smoothly. I am always the class leader and get good grades in school, I am always on top. Therefore it never came to my mind that I needed help from gods. But Jesus came to me and told me how he loved me though my senior school sister. Then I joined the bible study class and started to learn something I never heard.
The most impressive figure I learn from the bible is Jesus Christ.
Before Jesus was born, the angel from God appeared to his mother, Mary, and said “you will bear a son and you should call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Jesus showed his talent and knowledge about God when he was 12 years old. In the beginning of his early thirties, Jesus started to preach to the public: for the kingdom of heaven is coming. You have to repent.
During his life, He taught everyday and every person no matter rich or poor, man or woman about the love and the truth of God. Many people followed him. Peter, who used to be a fisherman, became the first disciple, and recognized Jesus: you are Christ, Messiah, the son of God.
Many sinners and sick people came to him. He comforted them and healed their illness. He made numerous miracles, such as the blind could see, deaf could hear, dumb could speak and paralyze could walk. Unfortunately, Jesus died at the age of 33, but his great love and truth will always be with us as it was recorded in the gospel.