美國看病都要預約,第一次沒有預約是 "walk in",我等了足足一百分鐘,診所的雜誌都被我翻遍了,又沒多少病人,護士四五個很輕鬆的聊天並和狗玩,(不知道醫生是否也是在其中),等到很火大想去看醫生是否在玩狗還是在看病人,又不是獸醫院為何狗比人還要重要,花在狗的時間比病人還要多,一點都不尊重別人的時間。
不過聽說美國的醫生看的病人不多,一天只看幾個預約的病人,家庭醫生和病人的感情很好。對於新的病人比較有戒心,因為醫生常被告,所以當醫生的保險費很高。看醫生的費用貴得嚇人,如果沒有醫療保險看一次病USD 70是正常,拔一顆牙齒五百元,窮人或是沒有工作的真的老天保佑不要生病。
後記 2009.6.16
保險收據來之後發現醫生向Aetna洽收 office visit USD150
Aetna negotiated amount is 107 (included my copay 10)
" 美國紐約市新流感疫情擴大,17日出現首例新流感死亡病例,是華裔集中的皇后區一所中學的助理校長,因併發症去世。
華裔集中的法拉盛及貝賽等地多所學校也出現疑似新流感病例,染病學生激增4天來已有11所學校停課。截至17日晚間,紐約市已有178例新流感確診病例,有1人死亡,死者是55歲的中學助理校長維勒。 "
Change the room/ Irena's vow
一 Symphonyspace offers free show from 11am-11pm once or twice a year. The topic is "Wall to wall broadway"-a century of musicals. I listened various broadway music and the host even interact with audiences, we sang together.
二 On six avenue, 42st-59st, 有各國美食展,整條第六大道封鎖如墾丁的夜市般,無意間走過買了一支烤墨西哥玉米,玉米很甜加上不知名的醬很好吃。
三 Dance Parade:
據稱有四千名舞者參與這次的遊行,遊行的終點是東村的Tompkins square park. 美國是個喜歡跳舞的國家,音樂帶給人喜悅跳舞帶來活力,現場除了表演外,各式舞者穿著奇裝異服在你面前走fashion show,也有招生教學的,其中我最喜歡籃球場的全民共舞,拉丁音樂讓人不自禁的跟著旋律搖擺起來,在旁邊看也非常的賞心悅目。
四 Irena's Vow:
這齣戲很特別的是結尾時還請到Irena的獨生女來到現場解答觀眾的問題,本來以為這是Walter Kerr theatre給的禮物,後來才知道這也是劇情的一部分。
It is about love and forgiveness,會感動到掉淚的百老匯新劇。有位老太太問我看戲後的感想,並很感慨因為this is in her time,她年輕時發生的事情。不過這齣劇如果德國人看了不知道做何感想?
Irena's Vow
Few of the heroes of World War II were more courageous than those who risked their lives to protect potential victims of Nazi genocide. “Irena’s Vow,” a new play by Dan Gordon at the Baruch Performing Arts Center, is the dramatization of the true story of Irena Gut, a Polish Roman Catholic who managed to hide 12 Jews in the cellar of a house occupied by a German major.
Gut was a teenage nursing student when Germany invaded Poland. Joining the resistance, she was captured by Soviet forces, raped and beaten. Repatriated to Nazi-occupied Poland, she worked at a munitions plant, but her high school German caught the attention of Major Rugemer, the local commander, who transferred her to kitchen and laundry duties.
At the laundry, Irena meets 11 Jews; later, while working in the kitchen, she learns that the Jews in the laundry are to be exterminated.
After witnessing the brutal murder of a baby and its mother on the street, Irena makes the vow of the title: if she ever has the chance to save another life, she will. When the German major takes her in as his housekeeper, she devises a plan to hide the 11 Jews from the laundry, joined later by a 12th, in his coal cellar.
IRENA GUT OPDYKE (May 5, 1918 – May 17, 2003) was born Irena Gut into a Catholic family in the town of Kozienice in Central Poland, and studied nursing. During the German occupation of western Poland and the Russian occupation in the east, Irena joined a Polish underground unit. She was spotted by Russian troops, beaten, raped, and forced to work in a Russian medical unit. She escaped, only to be captured later by the Germans and forced to work in a munitions plant. An elderly SS officer Eduard Rugemer arranged her transfer to lighter duties in an army mess hall, which happened to afford her both a direct view into a Jewish ghetto, and a chance to slip food under its fence. When Rugemer was reassigned to Lvov and then Tarnopol (in what is now Ukraine), he requisitioned Irena as his housekeeper. There she supervised a laundry staffed by Jews, and when she heard that they were to be transported to a death camp, she undertook to hide 12 of them in Rugemer’s own villa and provide them with food and clothing. At a displaced persons camp after the war, Irena Gut met her future husband, a U.N. staffer named William Opdyke. They settled in Southern California, where she became an interior decorator. She did not talk about the war until she got a phone call as part of a survey on how many people doubted that the Holocaust ever happened. She began telling her story in schools, and in 1982 Irena Gut Opdyke was named by the Israeli Holocaust Commission as one of the Righteous Among the Nations, a title given to gentiles who risked their lives by aiding and saving Jews during the Holocaust, and was presented with the Israel Medal of Honor (Israel’s highest tribute), in a ceremony at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. The Vatican has given her a special commendation, and her story is part of a permanent exhibit at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
一 Symphonyspace offers free show from 11am-11pm once or twice a year. The topic is "Wall to wall broadway"-a century of musicals. I listened various broadway music and the host even interact with audiences, we sang together.
二 On six avenue, 42st-59st, 有各國美食展,整條第六大道封鎖如墾丁的夜市般,無意間走過買了一支烤墨西哥玉米,玉米很甜加上不知名的醬很好吃。
三 Dance Parade:
據稱有四千名舞者參與這次的遊行,遊行的終點是東村的Tompkins square park. 美國是個喜歡跳舞的國家,音樂帶給人喜悅跳舞帶來活力,現場除了表演外,各式舞者穿著奇裝異服在你面前走fashion show,也有招生教學的,其中我最喜歡籃球場的全民共舞,拉丁音樂讓人不自禁的跟著旋律搖擺起來,在旁邊看也非常的賞心悅目。
四 Irena's Vow:
這齣戲很特別的是結尾時還請到Irena的獨生女來到現場解答觀眾的問題,本來以為這是Walter Kerr theatre給的禮物,後來才知道這也是劇情的一部分。
It is about love and forgiveness,會感動到掉淚的百老匯新劇。有位老太太問我看戲後的感想,並很感慨因為this is in her time,她年輕時發生的事情。不過這齣劇如果德國人看了不知道做何感想?
Irena's Vow
Few of the heroes of World War II were more courageous than those who risked their lives to protect potential victims of Nazi genocide. “Irena’s Vow,” a new play by Dan Gordon at the Baruch Performing Arts Center, is the dramatization of the true story of Irena Gut, a Polish Roman Catholic who managed to hide 12 Jews in the cellar of a house occupied by a German major.
Gut was a teenage nursing student when Germany invaded Poland. Joining the resistance, she was captured by Soviet forces, raped and beaten. Repatriated to Nazi-occupied Poland, she worked at a munitions plant, but her high school German caught the attention of Major Rugemer, the local commander, who transferred her to kitchen and laundry duties.
At the laundry, Irena meets 11 Jews; later, while working in the kitchen, she learns that the Jews in the laundry are to be exterminated.
After witnessing the brutal murder of a baby and its mother on the street, Irena makes the vow of the title: if she ever has the chance to save another life, she will. When the German major takes her in as his housekeeper, she devises a plan to hide the 11 Jews from the laundry, joined later by a 12th, in his coal cellar.
IRENA GUT OPDYKE (May 5, 1918 – May 17, 2003) was born Irena Gut into a Catholic family in the town of Kozienice in Central Poland, and studied nursing. During the German occupation of western Poland and the Russian occupation in the east, Irena joined a Polish underground unit. She was spotted by Russian troops, beaten, raped, and forced to work in a Russian medical unit. She escaped, only to be captured later by the Germans and forced to work in a munitions plant. An elderly SS officer Eduard Rugemer arranged her transfer to lighter duties in an army mess hall, which happened to afford her both a direct view into a Jewish ghetto, and a chance to slip food under its fence. When Rugemer was reassigned to Lvov and then Tarnopol (in what is now Ukraine), he requisitioned Irena as his housekeeper. There she supervised a laundry staffed by Jews, and when she heard that they were to be transported to a death camp, she undertook to hide 12 of them in Rugemer’s own villa and provide them with food and clothing. At a displaced persons camp after the war, Irena Gut met her future husband, a U.N. staffer named William Opdyke. They settled in Southern California, where she became an interior decorator. She did not talk about the war until she got a phone call as part of a survey on how many people doubted that the Holocaust ever happened. She began telling her story in schools, and in 1982 Irena Gut Opdyke was named by the Israeli Holocaust Commission as one of the Righteous Among the Nations, a title given to gentiles who risked their lives by aiding and saving Jews during the Holocaust, and was presented with the Israel Medal of Honor (Israel’s highest tribute), in a ceremony at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. The Vatican has given her a special commendation, and her story is part of a permanent exhibit at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
Jesus and me
2009.4.1 presentation topic: Jesus and me

Most western people know Jesus when they are young, but in Asia, most people believe in their ancestors or other gods. I started to know Jesus in my first year of college, and after some miracles happened to me, I decided to become the first and the only Christian in our family.
When I was young, I was taught if I trusted no one and depended on myself, my life would go smoothly. I am always the class leader and get good grades in school, I am always on top. Therefore it never came to my mind that I needed help from gods. But Jesus came to me and told me how he loved me though my senior school sister. Then I joined the bible study class and started to learn something I never heard.
The most impressive figure I learn from the bible is Jesus Christ.
Before Jesus was born, the angel from God appeared to his mother, Mary, and said “you will bear a son and you should call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Jesus showed his talent and knowledge about God when he was 12 years old. In the beginning of his early thirties, Jesus started to preach to the public: for the kingdom of heaven is coming. You have to repent.
During his life, He taught everyday and every person no matter rich or poor, man or woman about the love and the truth of God. Many people followed him. Peter, who used to be a fisherman, became the first disciple, and recognized Jesus: you are Christ, Messiah, the son of God.
Many sinners and sick people came to him. He comforted them and healed their illness. He made numerous miracles, such as the blind could see, deaf could hear, dumb could speak and paralyze could walk. Unfortunately, Jesus died at the age of 33, but his great love and truth will always be with us as it was recorded in the gospel.

Most western people know Jesus when they are young, but in Asia, most people believe in their ancestors or other gods. I started to know Jesus in my first year of college, and after some miracles happened to me, I decided to become the first and the only Christian in our family.
When I was young, I was taught if I trusted no one and depended on myself, my life would go smoothly. I am always the class leader and get good grades in school, I am always on top. Therefore it never came to my mind that I needed help from gods. But Jesus came to me and told me how he loved me though my senior school sister. Then I joined the bible study class and started to learn something I never heard.
The most impressive figure I learn from the bible is Jesus Christ.
Before Jesus was born, the angel from God appeared to his mother, Mary, and said “you will bear a son and you should call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Jesus showed his talent and knowledge about God when he was 12 years old. In the beginning of his early thirties, Jesus started to preach to the public: for the kingdom of heaven is coming. You have to repent.
During his life, He taught everyday and every person no matter rich or poor, man or woman about the love and the truth of God. Many people followed him. Peter, who used to be a fisherman, became the first disciple, and recognized Jesus: you are Christ, Messiah, the son of God.
Many sinners and sick people came to him. He comforted them and healed their illness. He made numerous miracles, such as the blind could see, deaf could hear, dumb could speak and paralyze could walk. Unfortunately, Jesus died at the age of 33, but his great love and truth will always be with us as it was recorded in the gospel.
今早美國的同事 MAISIE 叫住我,祝我生日快樂並給我一份生日禮物,是一本書-
"The secret of GOD's Presence" by Andrew Murray.
What a surprise, because I do not remember I told her it is my birthday, and I got the gift. It must be from God! I am so thankful because someone knows my birthday.
Recently (after MOM back to taiwan), I feel lonely here, my roommate is so quiet, she never shared or talked to me, always I have to start the conversation. And we go to office or go home individually, even in the same bus or same train, she chose sit acrossly the aisle, not next to me. She is very polite and afraid to bother, but too quiet and dull.
Luckily, I can talk to God, and Mom's radio really helps me a lot, I like to turn on the radio and have some "noise" at home.
中午和Mallory到world finance center- winter garden旁的海港野餐,想起英國Southampton的港口,溫暖的陽光掃除冬天的陰霾。下午授信科的同事合買了一個strawberry shortcake to celebrate, I am so appreciated that I can have birthday cake in the foreign country. To my surprise, many colleagues said happy birthday to me, and I got blessing email from friends in Taiwan, It is special and it is love.
Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fufill your unique mission.
A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself, the joy of life. It is also an occasion to rethink your life.
A birthday can teach us the concept of rebirth, no matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again.
今早美國的同事 MAISIE 叫住我,祝我生日快樂並給我一份生日禮物,是一本書-
"The secret of GOD's Presence" by Andrew Murray.
What a surprise, because I do not remember I told her it is my birthday, and I got the gift. It must be from God! I am so thankful because someone knows my birthday.
Recently (after MOM back to taiwan), I feel lonely here, my roommate is so quiet, she never shared or talked to me, always I have to start the conversation. And we go to office or go home individually, even in the same bus or same train, she chose sit acrossly the aisle, not next to me. She is very polite and afraid to bother, but too quiet and dull.
Luckily, I can talk to God, and Mom's radio really helps me a lot, I like to turn on the radio and have some "noise" at home.
中午和Mallory到world finance center- winter garden旁的海港野餐,想起英國Southampton的港口,溫暖的陽光掃除冬天的陰霾。下午授信科的同事合買了一個strawberry shortcake to celebrate, I am so appreciated that I can have birthday cake in the foreign country. To my surprise, many colleagues said happy birthday to me, and I got blessing email from friends in Taiwan, It is special and it is love.
Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fufill your unique mission.
A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself, the joy of life. It is also an occasion to rethink your life.
A birthday can teach us the concept of rebirth, no matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again.
Federal Hall - 220 years celebration

Federal Hall National memorial
After eating lunch, I went to Federal Hall near my office. There are two special exhibitions about two of the most popular American presidents : George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
This year(2009) is 200 years celebration of Lincoln's birthday (2/12/1809)
I joined the free tour, only me and the tour guide- EL.Hopper. He explained detailed of this historic building for me. I felt abundant history in this just 200- year-old country.
George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United Stateds on April 30 1789 in front of this building. He not only leaded the Americans defeated the British army but also established many customs and usages for the new government. He made me think of our national father-Sun Yat Sen.
This year(2009) is 200 years celebration of Lincoln's birthday (2/12/1809)
I joined the free tour, only me and the tour guide- EL.Hopper. He explained detailed of this historic building for me. I felt abundant history in this just 200- year-old country.
George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United Stateds on April 30 1789 in front of this building. He not only leaded the Americans defeated the British army but also established many customs and usages for the new government. He made me think of our national father-Sun Yat Sen.
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